• Published
    • Monthly
    • Circulation
    • 11,000
    • Cover Price
    • Free

Phone Numbers

Ph: (03) 8387 5500
Fax: (03) 9372 2792


Dora Bebonis
National Sales Director

Sara De Paulis
National Agency Manager

Colleen Boyd
National Agency Manager

Hayley Fox
Advertising Sales Assistant

Rebecca Black
Sales Administration Co-ordinator


1st Floor, 163 Epsom Road
Flemington 3031

  • Profile

    The Wimmera Farmer newspaper is part of the six “Farmer Group newspapers”. The Group of newspapers are - Southern Farmer, North East & Goulburn Murray Farmer, Western District Famer, Gippsland Farmer, Wimmera Farmer and North West Farmer.

    Together these well-respected newspapers cover a diverse and intensive agriculture and horticultural across all regions in Victoria.

  • Circulation List

    The Wimmera Farmer has a circulation of 15,200 every month. This newspaper is highly targeted to regional farmers. The newspaper is delivered FREE via Australia Post directly to farmers’ RSD mailboxes or obtained FREE from selected rural outlets throughout the regions.

  • Industries

    The Farmer Group of newspapers covers Victoria’s diverse range of agriculture and horticulture products and services.