Phone Numbers

Ph: (03) 8387 5500
Fax: (03) 9372 2792


Dora Bebonis
National Sales Director

Sara De Paulis
National Agency Manager

Colleen Boyd
National Agency Manager

Hayley Fox
Advertising Sales Assistant

Rebecca Black
Sales Administration Co-ordinator


1st Floor, 163 Epsom Road
Flemington 3031

  • Profile

    The Wet Tropic Times is a 100% independently owned and operated newspaper.

    We have a strong focus upon community news, because we serve our community and reflect the needs and wants of our local community.

    The Wet Tropic Times also publishes regional, state and national news relevant to and reflective of our readers. We aim to be informative, entertaining and inclusive of all voices within the Wet Tropics.

    Publishing Bi-Monthly (Twice a month), Thursday, the Wet Tropic Times is ideally suited to inform readers as to the coming weekend, provide advertisers a platform to market for weekend business and also we reach the loungeroom on the ideal day allowing our large and regular readership an opportunity to plan for their coming weekend.

  • Circulation List

    Cairns, Innisfail, Mission Beach, Tully, Babinda, Kurrimine, Atherton, Cardwell, El Arish and Ingham.

  • Industries

    Tourism, Sugar, Bananas, Paw Paw, Transport and fishing charters

  • Sections

    EGN, Community, Dining ,Schools, Real Estate, Rural, Classifieds