• Published
    • Thursday
    • Population in Circulation Area
    • 12,000
    • Circulation
    • 5,000
    • Cover Price
    • Free

Phone Numbers

Ph: (03) 8387 5500
Fax: (03) 9372 2792


Dora Bebonis
National Sales Director

Sara De Paulis
National Agency Manager

Colleen Boyd
National Agency Manager

Hayley Fox
Advertising Sales Assistant

Rebecca Black
Sales Administration Co-ordinator


1st Floor, 163 Epsom Road
Flemington 3031

  • Profile

    Tamborine Mountain News has been the voice of the Tamborine Mountain community since it’s establishment in November 1958.
    The Mountain is a very special place, and we consider ourselves fortunate to serve the people who live here.
    We partner with our advertisers to connect their businesses with the community, using local knowledge and marketing expertise to
    get the best results for your business.
    Our printed publication has a digital website and social media channels which share the stories of Tamborine Mountain with the
    Our readers and advertisers are people who belong to the community and contribute to the well being of the townships.
    Becoming part of our publication means being welcomed into the community and being associated with a local, trusted brand.

  • Circulation List

    Tamborine Mountain
    Tamborine (Village)

  • Industries

    Tourism, agriculture are the main industries.

  • Sections

    EGN, Farming, Trades