Phone Numbers

Ph: (03) 8387 5500
Fax: (03) 9372 2792


Dora Bebonis
National Sales Director

Sara De Paulis
National Agency Manager

Colleen Boyd
National Agency Manager

Hayley Fox
Advertising Sales Assistant

Rebecca Black
Sales Administration Co-ordinator


1st Floor, 163 Epsom Road
Flemington 3031

  • Profile

    The Border Times circulates throughout the heart of the
    Mallee broadacre farming and grazing districts and has
    been the voice of the Mallee since 1911. Located 243km
    east of Adelaide, Pinnaroo is a rural service town to many surrounding areas and is located close to the Victorian border.

    Local fairs are popular events attracting people from far
    and wide, with the Karoonda Farm Fair held in February,
    the Karoonda Show in September and the Pinnaroo
    Show in October.

    Industries in the area consist of agriculture, wheat, sheep for wool and fat lambs, potato growing, manufacturing and construction.

  • Circulation List

    Gawler, Geranium, Jabuk, Karoonda, Lameroo, Loxton, Murray Bridge, Murrayville, Parrakie, Pinnaroo, Subscriptions and Waikerie.

  • Industries

    Agriculture, wheat, sheep for wool and fat lambs, irrigation, potato growing, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade

  • Sections

    Real Estate, Motoring, House, Livestock, Farming, Gardening